Saturday, 17 May 2008

A busy week........but hospital free!

This week has flown by, just lately everyday seems the same, maybe its because I can't do so much at the moment. But I am not complaining, at least I can still get out of my bed, even though these days I look and feel more like Roly Poly. But hopefully my weight will stabilise now and I will start to lose a few pounds. Stupid steroids..but very necessary to help me breathe.

If you remember in my last post I mentioned that I had a rash due to my medication making me sensitive to the sun. Well for those of you who haven't noticed...the sun has gone and so has the rash! So maybe I should move to the cooler climate, and all will be well. In the future I will make sure that I put some high factor sun screen on then the rash should not be a problem.

I have had a really busy week this week. I was asked to appear in a DVD about people with Long Term Conditions. I am all for helping anyone with a LTC as it is sometimes very easy to get yourself into a downward spiral....I know as I have been there. So I appeared in the DVD. It was for the NHS to report the New Vision. There has been a lot of controversy about the Vision, but I believed strongly that the work would make a difference for patients like myself. I will let you all decide what you think of the video. If you click the link I am on another link "Launch in Vision 2". Then fast forward to LTC. I will put the link on, but not sure how to do this properly so please forgive me: ( think it might be wrong)
It was an interesting day, but very tiring. I really do enjoy talking about raising awareness etc.... and I met some very interesting people. Lady Archer was there and she was a lovely woman. Very genuine and friendly. I would like to have a job doing public speaking when I get my transplant( Notice I said when and not If ). I can remember the first time that I had to speak in public. I was terrified, but I really enjoy it now. I just stand and try to make sure that no one falls asleep before I am finished. If I see someone nearly dozing at the back,or waving a white hankerchief... then I know that I have rambled for to long, so I try to bring it to a close. I don't think that has happened just yet...but give it time! Bob came with me, usually I must admit that he seldom comes with me during my talks, as he finds it very hard. Most of the talks come straight from my heart and can be very emotional. As he has had to see me suffer from my disease, it gets very hard for him to see me discuss it to everyone. But I feel if it makes the world more aware then we must try everything that we can to make a difference.It also makes me feel useful....there is so much that I cannot do now, that it is always good to focus on things that I can. Bob has been my rock the last few years and I don't think I would have got on the list if it had not been for him and my family. I have not always been the nicest person to know when I am not well...but hopefully it will all be worthwhile in the end.

This week I have been hospital free,no appointments all week, must be a record! but it has been lovely and has given me some spare time. I have my support group on Monday, so had a few jobs to do before the meeting. I must admit that I have not been so active as Chairman the last few months, I have just not been well enough, but there is still a lot that I can do. We have a newsletter every quarter, so I got into action and decided to print the summer edition before Mondays meeting. This sounds easy....or so I thought, but it took me ages. Trying to find relevant articles for the Summer edition wasn't easy....but I love a challenge. Now I have finished and it will be at Mondays meeting to hand out to all our members. What a relief, at the rate I was going it would be next Summer that they would be looking at! This meeting we are having a pie and mash day, I am so pleased that I have not got to cook. 45 hungry people wanting their dinner....I pity the chef! Most of our members have COPD, and many of them are 55+ they are wonderful people with hearts of gold, and I have learnt so much since being with the group. It makes such a difference to chat to people who are going though similar circumstances as yourself. And I feel that I have them to thank for being so positive...I was such a negative person before I joined and would never be here now, if they hadn't changed my life around. So for anyone who has a illness, it really does help to have support.

This weekend I intend to get some rest....I am feeling really tired after my hectic week, and it will just be nice to chill out for a time, with Bob, family and friends. Sorry this post is so long it always takes me forever to get started,and then I am never able to stop! most of it is a load of rubbish, but as I said before it comes from the heart! Off to get my PJ's on now. Night Night x x

PS .....I want to say that I am thinking about everyone who has just had a transplant, I have been reading a few blogs about their experience since the operation and I feel that it is really helping. So a big thank you. I hope you all have a fulfilling life, and that the people that are still waiting, get their new organs soon! x x


Jac said...

I watched your video - well done! You speak very well and i'm sure it will go a long way in raising awareness.

I also agree that you have to say 'when' you get your transplant and not 'if' Your day will come and a new life awaits you. Keep smiling!
Jsc xx

Jac said...

I watched the video - well done on some excellent awareness raising. You speak very well!

I hope your call comes really soon - you are right to say 'when' you get your transplant. You day will come and a new life awaits!

Jac x

Anonymous said...

well done on this one - can i have some pie & mash please?

helen said...


Thanks for the note on the Star blog site. I have my own blog site its

Reading your blog is like reading about me.
I am glad that you still sound upbeat. After a year waiting i still have hope but i must admit its fading a bit. I have been on steriods for 20 years and yes too suffered with the weight, but alas now due to the COPD i have dropped to under 8stone ( which im told is common ) . Love to keep in touch

Jac said...

Not sure if you will get this message, but wanted to say a huge congratulations on your transplant!!! I cannot believe you only waited a month - how wonderful :-) Hope the recovery is going well and you are managing ok back home. Keep me posted on how you are doing ( weejaq @ hotmail . com if you would rather not leave comment). Keeping everything crossed you continue to go from strength to strength now!